MERLANETTA - Organic farm
The company falls within the SIC area and in the "SPECIAL NATURAL RESERVE OF THE ORBA TORRENT"
The only area authorized for gold exploration for amateur scientific and educational purposes
 The "ORO DELL’ORBA" historical and interactive museum is located in the Merlanetta farmhouse
Cascina Merlanetta offers ten camper parking areas equipped with all services
Merlanetta 100% Organic Farm

100% Organic Farm

The Merlanetta farmhouse is a strictly organic farm overlooking the left site of the Orba stream and covers an area of ​​about 60 hectares: the farm's productions are of the cereal - forage type but there is also an orchard consisting of about fifty ancient varieties all typical of lower Piedmont and a small production of an ancient medieval savoy cabbage native to the municipality of Casal Cermelli which can boast both the DE.CO. than to be counted among the products of the SLOW FOOD ark with related SLOW FOOD COMMUNITY of which Cascina Merlanetta is one of the founding members.

A large part of the company falls in the SIC area (site of community importance) and in the "SPECIAL NATURAL RESERVE OF THE ORBA TORRENT" where the Piedmont region has identified the only authorized area for gold research for amateur scientific and educational purposes considering that the sands of the stream are notoriously gold-bearing.

At the Merlanetta farmhouse there is the historical and interactive museum "ORO DELL'ORBA" and through the didactic activity it is also possible to take courses to learn the use of the various techniques of gold research and then, try their hand at this activity directly on the bed of the stream.